
To access and interact with Mervii’s API, all requests must be authenticated using a valid API key. Mervii uses Bearer Token Authentication, which ensures that your API requests are securely identified and authorised.

Each request requires the Authorization header to include a Bearer token, which is your public API key. This key should be kept confidential and used to authenticate and authorise API calls to Mervii’s services, including logistics, delivery management, and payment processing.

Be sure to include your API key in the Authorization header for every request to avoid unauthorised access errors.

Authorisation Header

Use the Authorization : Bearer for authenticating your API. The public API issued serve as the bearer for your authentication. Here is an example below:

Authorisation Request Sample
curl https://api.mervii.com/v1 \
    -H "Accept: application/JSON" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer {Public API Key}"

Good to Know

Currently, Mervii Business services is on Beta, kindly send an email to partners@mervii.com and developers@mervii.com for quick access

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